ETI Umwelttechnik AG
    Kalchbühlstrasse 18
    CH-7007 Chur

Small Intersessional Working Group for PCBs

  • 03-05-2018

  • Small Intersessional Working Group for PCBs

At its 8th meeting, the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention adopted decision SC-8/3, by which it established a Small Intersessional Working Group (SIWG) to prepare a report on progress towards the elimination of PCBs (and the management of PCBs in open applications) for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its 9th meeting in 2019.

ETI is very pleased to be part of the SIWG and to have been appointed Lead of the Drafting Group „Open Applications Management“.

In general, there is a massive lack of knowledge and awareness of PCBs in open applications, even in industrialised countries. We hope to be able to recommend actions and measures in the report for the Conference of the Parties, in order to tackle this PCB problem in the years to come.

