Chrysotile will not be included in the list of hazardous substances under the Rotterdam Convention
While Russia is continuing to mine Chrysotile (also known as white asbestos), other countries are still using this mineral in their products, for example Indonesia, China and Vietn.... Continue reading
The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants has added three new chemicals to Annex A, expanding the list of substances targeted for elimination under the Convention t.... Continue reading
The new «DEXSIL Lead Test» is a sensitive field test for paint or other non-porous surfaces suspected to be contaminated with lead. The quick tests can be used to check for lead.... Continue reading
Although there have been some slight improvements in raw material availability, inflation in the US is directly affecting production at the manufacturer’s DEXSIL. For this reason.... Continue reading
The manufacturer DEXSIL has announced a general price increase of 5% per October 1st 2021. This is due to the exponential rise in the cost of their raw materials. Therefore, our pr.... Continue reading
As from Februar 2021: Due to further pandemix precautions, deliveries of test kits and products only on fridays
Kindly consider that due to the pandemic situation, Kits and products can only be dispatched on Fridays until further notice. Product inquiries will of course still be processed wi.... Continue reading
Welcome to our revised website! Our website has been overhauled, redesigned and updated. Enjoy our new layout on your computer, tablet or smartphone. The design is easy to navigate.... Continue reading
A first series of ETI videos has been uploaded to our YouTube channel: What are PCBs? What is Asbestos? What dangers and threats do PCBs and Asbestos pose? Where can we find these .... Continue reading
The use of the fungicide Hexachlorobenzene has been prohibited since 2004. However, the substance is persistent and it accumulates in Polar Regions where, among other things, humpb.... Continue reading
Protective measures must be implemented when PCB containing paints, coatings, caulks and secondary contamination on walls and ceilings are removed. Extensive removal work is carrie.... Continue reading
From 29 April to 10 May 2019 the Parties of the Stockholm, Rotterdam and Basel Conventions met in Geneva/Switzerland. ETI was represented by Urs K. Wagner, Member of the Advisory .... Continue reading
Conference of Member States of the Chemical and Waste Conventions in Geneva From April 29 to 10 May 2019, Member States of the International Conventions on the Reduction of the Ris.... Continue reading
The new generation of the DEXSIL L2000 Analyzer is now available. For many years, L2000 DX Analyzers have been used for the determination of PCB in transformer oils, soil samples, .... Continue reading
At its 8th meeting, the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention adopted decision SC-8/3, by which it established a Small Intersessional Working Group (SIWG) to prepa.... Continue reading
27 water samples from several rivers in the Swiss Canton Graubünden were analysed for PCBs. As expected, the highest PCB concentrations were measured in the water of the river SpÃ.... Continue reading
The Minamata Convention on mercury entered into force on August 16, 2017. The first conference of the parties took place from September 24 to 29, 2017, in Geneva, Switzerland. 150 .... Continue reading
High levels of PCBs have been found in whales and dolphins in UK waters Scientists say more must be done to eliminate the chemicals, which have a devastating impact on marine life .... Continue reading
The seventh meeting of the Advisory Committee of the PEN was held from 2 to 3 December 2016 in Asunción, Paraguay. The Advisory Committee of the PEN meets annually to review the a.... Continue reading
Meeting of the PCB Evaluation Committee under the Stockholm Convention in Brno From 14 to 16 Dezember 2015 the PCB Evaluation Committee under the Stockholm Convention met in Brno a.... Continue reading