Clor-N-Oil 50
Home » Clor-N-Oil 50
Home » Clor-N-Oil 50
Test kit for PCB screening of transformer oil.
Action level: 50 mg/kg
Packing unit: 20 Tests
Test kit for quantifying total chlorine (halogens) in used oil.
Action level: 200 – 4000 mg/kg
Packing unit: 20 Tests
The DEXSIL Lead Test is a rapid test for paint or other non-porous surfaces suspected to be contaminated with lead.
Meets EPA/HUD Criteria
Packing unit: 10 Tests
Dilution vials for use with the HydroSCOUT Analyzer and standard reagents.
Action level: 5% to 100% w/w
Packing unit: 40 Reagents
Test kit for PCB screening of soil.
Action level: 50 mg/kg
Packing unit: 12 Tests