ETI Umwelttechnik AG
    Kalchbühlstrasse 18
    CH-7007 Chur



Services in Switzerland

ETI has been managing specifically Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Asbestos worldwide since 1982. We are leading experts in BAT/BEP Management of PCBs and Asbestos, benefitting from long lasting and worldwide practical experience.

In Switzerland, we specialise in the identification and assessment of building contaminants (building contaminants diagnostics). According to the Swiss Waste Ordinance and the Swiss Ordinance on Construction Work buildings have to be checked for the presence of hazardous chemicals and substances, and waste management plans have to be prepared prior to any renovation, removal or demolition.

In the 1990s, ETI was a pioneer to offer a step-by-step approach to thorough checks and assessments of buildings. In Switzerland, we were the first expert supervisors to successfully plan and monitor PCB and Dioxin remediation projects. Of course, also combined clean-ups of buildings where different building contaminants are present, are part of the portfolio.

Our services include building contaminants diagnostics, recording of findings, volumes and sizes, elaboration of budgets for clean-up measures, careful planning and tendering of the remediation works, as well as the supervision of the actual clean-up.

Based on the findings from a building screening, risks are assessed, measures and precautions for an environmentally sound and sustainable clean-up and removal of contaminated materials defined and proposed in an illustrated report. We provide an overview of the best available techniques (BAT) and the best environmental practices (BEP) in the respective canton or region, including disposal options.

Moreover, indoor air measurements for Asbestos fibres, PCB, PAH, Radon or other indoor air contaminants count among our services offered in Switzerland.

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International services

As far as our international activities are concerned, we often work for IGOs like UN Environment (UNE), UNIDO, UNDP, UNEP MAP MEDPOL, the World Bank, Development Banks, and Cleaner Production Centres, POPs Units or directly for Ministries mainly in developing countries or countries in transition, in order to assist in the implementation of the Chemical Conventions.

Apart from capacity building activities and national inventories of POPs, the main focus of our core business is Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) and Asbestos.

Follow these links to learn more about our international activities: International Activities, References and Products.